Trip Generation to Turning Movements

Fast-track the steps you need to boost your productivity for Traffic Impact Assessments (TIA).

Discover the tools OTISS Pro* has to help you quantify traffic impact and evaluate intersection turning movement volumes for a proposed development project based on the latest ITE TripGen manual. Whether you’re working on a simple or a complex project, OTISS Pro can help with the essentials of your analysis process.

*An add-on tool within the ITE TripGEN App.

See Features

Quantify traffic impact and evaluate intersection turning movement volumes for development projects.

See Features

Platform Compatibility

Subscription to ITETripGen Web-based App required

Supported Browsers

  • Google Chrome version 85 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox version 80 or later
  • Microsoft Windows® Edge version 85 or later

Previous versions of these browsers or other web browsers not listed may experience less than optimal results.


Full support for 32 and 64-bit operating systems

Workstation: Windows® XP, Vista, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 10


What Makes OTISS Pro Unique

Team collaboration from anywhere

Work on your projects from virtually any computer workstation with an internet connection. Standardize your trip generation data review process by conveniently sharing projects online with all your stakeholders.

Trip generation with various data sets

Stay ahead with the latest ITE Trip Generation Manual and access previous versions or add your own data. Get fast and accurate results for average rates, linear/logarithmic equations, and directional distribution. With built-in multi-modal adjustments, make informed decisions with ease.

Fast-track your analysis process

Easily quantify the traffic impact, evaluate intersection-turning movement volumes on a proposed development and assists with the final volume counts at each driveway access in a fraction of the time, compared with the spreadsheet method to analyze data.

Synchro® integration

Easily import files to Synchro with the lane configuration, intersection types and the different estimated turning movement counts per scenario such as existing, background and post-development.


Integrated With ITE TripGen To Help You Perform Traffic Impact Assessments

The intuitive user interface in OTISS Pro guides you every step of the way, reducing the learning curve and boosting productivity. Smart features significantly reduce time spent preparing new projects or evaluating existing ones.

Using the best practices from ITE, OTISS Pro assists with the final volumes at each intersections.

OTISS Pro helps you perform various ‘what-if’ scenarios in only seconds based on specific or different land uses.

Explore Features

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Trip Generation With Various Data Sets

Estimate the number of trips, by land use, that are produced by your development project. OTISS Pro always provides the latest version of ITE’s Trip Generation Manual, as well as access to the previous versions.

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Evaluate Reductions: Internal Capture, Pass-By, And Diverted Trips

Go into a deeper dive and subdivide your trip generation into parts. The program lets you switch between reductions for internal capture, pass-by trips, diverted trips or applying extra reduction.


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Estimate Trips For Developments With Mixed Land Uses

OTISS Pro extends the capabilities of ITETripGen from a simple trip rates look-up tool to estimating trips from developments with single or mixed land uses. Add in data that you’ve collected or additional trip generation data from other sources with the private data sets.

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Road Network and Intersections

Set up your transportation network around the development site with existing traffic data. Define streets and intersections, input existing traffic volumes, and choose horizon years and growth factors to establish your existing and background traffic volumes.

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Trip Distribution

Distribute site generated trips to each driveway by defining the percentage manually or automatically distribute evenly. You can also assign certain land uses to specific driveways. Once data is entered, the program shows you if you distributed all your trips.

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Trip Assignment

Define routes and assign traffic through the network by creating and visualizing multiple routes to represent origin and destination of the trips on the network, with automated pass-by trip assignment and more.

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Turning Movement Volumes (TMV)

Display turning movements at the intersections for a variety of scenarios: existing, background, site generated, pass-by and build-out traffic. Flip through these with a quick mouse click, show it on a blank screen or on your background image.

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Checks Throughout Your Analysis

OTISS Pro guides you through all the steps of distributing and assigning the traffic and gives you notifications if you haven’t assigned all your land uses, routes, trips or driveways.

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Create A Trip Generation Summary

View the Trip Generation Summary directly in OTISS Pro or summarize all the scenarios of a project in a spreadsheet report in Excel.


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Study Different Time Periods or Project Phases

Create multiple scenarios to study a project involving different time periods, development phases and options, and export the findings into a report.


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Importing OTISS Pro Network in Synchro®

The Synchro software will import the network that was built in OTISS Pro with intersection types, lane configurations, and turning movement volumes.

What’s New In OTISS Pro

New features have been added, built specifically with your feedback to provide even greater functionality.

Upgrade Now

  • Person and multi-modal trip generation
  • Network analysis
  • Automatic trip distribution and assignment

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